I learned a lot about playing guitar by playing other peoples songs. In much the same way, I'm learning a lot about color and composition by recreating an existing painting.
This one is in-progress, but it's decent enough to show, I think.
Also worth mentioning, aside from the ruined Onions painting, this is the only one I've ever done in more than one sitting. All of the rest have been done start to finish in a span of about two hours. This one was started in April as a sketch on canvas and a light blue wash (which can still be seen in the village). While this was drying, my son decided it would be a good idea to smear some white paint on it with a fan brush. Up until this week, it's sat on my kitchen table looking a mess.
I sat down Tuesday night and started working on the sky. I immediately found the small 16x20 canvas size to be limiting. It's excruciatingly difficult to get the brush patterns to appear distinct at approximately one-quarter the size of the original. Thus, I decided to let the first stage dry and I'd try to get the finer detail with a teeny-tiny sable brush later.
Wednesday I did just that. The stars with lots of white around them were done with the small brush. The stars with more yellow were done with a bigger brush and I don't think they look as good. But if I layer some more shades into them with the smaller brush I think it will clean up quite nicely.
Starry Night:

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